We have been training the food industry for more than 20 years. We love what we do and it shows. Join us for one of our live virtual courses or sign up for a self-guided course and learn at your own pace, (Legal Suites® Learning Centre). Either way, we offer support as you may need.
Learners: Get a peek at who our typical learners are and who may benefit the most.
Course Structure: Here we expose a bit more about our structure or courses.
Learning Path: If taking multiple courses, the other taken might make it easier.
Certificates: Certificates can be issued when learners complete a course.
Open Enrollment Courses: Browse our open enrolment live virtual courses.
Private Group Training: Discover the benefits of private group training.
Our training courses are best suited for regulatory, legal, product development, quality and compliance professionals, who have the hankering to learn more about food labelling, advertising and compliance.
Professionals in the fields of nutrition, marketing, sales, owners, and managers whose roles cover food labelling and advertising or manage teams that do, also benefit from our training.
While our training courses do not have any prerequisites and are generally suitable for all levels of exoerisnve, there generally a smarter approuch to taking multiel coruses. We encourage all learns to consider a suitable learnng poath. If you have questions, pelase comnnect with us and we will see what we can suggest for you or your team.
Many of our open enrollment courses are offered with a Practicum to complement its Knowledge-Exchange counterpart. During the Knowledge-Exchange session learners are introduced to the rules. Learners can ask questions at any time. When a Practicum is assigned, learners complete this on their own time. The Practicum exercises are then reviewed in another live virtual session, usually a day or two apart from the Knowledge-Exchnage session. The Practicum is not graded nor does it need to be submitted to the course instructor. It, however, will help learners gauge whether they understood the content of the training course and allows the instructor to get learners back on the right path if needed. We teach thinking!
Our live virtual courses also offer a voluntary After-Class session, usually about 1/2 hour or so. This permits learners to ask additional questions or explore content in a more elaborated context.
It is always best to review the course outline to gauge whether the contents are a good fit for your needs and level of experience. Our live virtual training courses are high-density, as we share much information in the allotted course time. If considering a virtual course the following is an example of a suggested learning pathway.
Understanding Canadian Food Regulations · Canadian Food Labelling · Canadian Ingredient Labelling · Canadian Nutrition Labelling · Canadian Front of Package Nutrition Labelling · Canadian Supplemented Food Regulations · Canadian Ingredient & Composition Claims · Canadian Nutrient Content and Health Claims
Certificates of completion can be issued to learners who have successfully completed a course. In the case of our open enrollment courses, there are no knowledge assessment criteria. The criteria for successfully completing a course requires learners to be present in the course a least 90% of the allotted course time.
Offered as a live virtual online course. We spend the first-day introducing learners to US food laws and basic labeling requirements under the authority of U.S. FDA. This is what we call the Knowledge Exchange portion of the course.
Learners are given a practicum to complete on their own time. We then return on a different day to review the practicum in another line virtual session. By the end of the course, learners will be on the right path to further develop their food labeling knowledge and skills.
In this live virtual course, we step learners through basic Canadian food labelling under the authority of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, (CFIA), and introduce them to principal regulations that govern this matter. This is day 1, the Knowledge Exchange.
Learners are given a practicum to complete on their own time which is reviewed in another line virtual session. By the end of the course, learners will be on the right path to further develop their food labelling knowledge and skills.
Who would have thought a course on understanding regulation is needed? There is one constant in compliance, new rules are added to the pile of old rules to create a mountain. Those new rules are prescriptive, which means they are fraught with details and technical considerations.
In this one-day live virtual course, we examine the anatomy of food laws and their physiology in how they work together to govern food compliance. If you a reserious about wanting to understand how things work, this is a must-attend course.
Front-of-package nutrition symbol labelling, (FOP), rules were finalized in July 2022. A transition period ending December 31, 2025 has been granted. If your products are subject to the new FOP rules, learn now and get ready!
In this live virtual course, we spend one session introducing learners to FOP. What foods are subject to this and what are not? If FOP is triggered how must this be declared?
Learners are then given a practicum to complete on their own time, which will be reviewed in another live virtual session. You will get to know FOP, but you may not love them!
These new rules were just 20 years in the making. Then finally in July 2022, boom, they were finalized. Current Canadian food rules restrict the addition of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances. The new supplemented food regulations open the door to a bit more flexibility in formulating with these substances.
This live virtual course steps learners through the new rules in the first Knowledge Exchange session.
Learners then complete the practicum on their own time, which will be reviewed in another live virtual session.
By far, ingredient labelling is one of the most demanding food labelling requirements. The endless possibilities of formulating foods means there is always something new to sort out. In this course, we expose learners to the rules and interpretations needed to successfully manage ingredient, allergen gluten source and sulphite labelling.
This course is structured to first introduce learners to the "ropes" in a Knowledge-Echange session. Following this learners complete a practicum which will be reviewed in another live virtual session. Our goal here is to create more competent compliance professionals
Now that you have mastered ingredient labelling, it's time to learn more about making ingredient and composition claims, like no GMO, no artificial this or that. What may be said and what cannot. This is where you earn your money since if mistakes are made this can result in serious non-compliance. Even if errors are more technical in nature we do our best to avoid letters of non-compliance from CFIA. That needs to be avoided.
This course includes a Knowledge-Exchange session discussing such representation to get better in our interpretative skills. Learners then complete a Practicum which is reviewed in a separate live virtual session.
A nutrition facts table, (NFt), is a box of numbers. Very important numbers, since if you get them wrong, this can result in non-compliance, which of course we aim to avoid. Despite this being just numbers there are many decisions to be made, like what format must or may be used, what size version may be used, what is the serving size, how to we round numbers, what else may or must we add to an NFt and are the numbers accurate.
This course includes a Knowledge-Exchange session exploring the many compliance considerations. Learners then complete a Practicum which is reviewed in a separate live virtual session.
Now that you have mastered nutrition labelling, what can you do with all those numbers? Well, of course, nutrient content and health claims. We first start out knowing that nutrient content claims are verboten unless permitted by the Food and Drug Regulations. Then we explore what can and cannot be claimed. In view of health claims, some need to be accepted by EHalth Canada and those that do not. Join us to explore this in more detail.
This course includes a Knowledge-Exchange session exploring the many compliance considerations. Learners then complete a Practicum which is reviewed in a separate live virtual session.
Ideally suited for team training between 7 to 20 individuals. We can build a training program to focus on your objectives and include examples relevant to the products your members work with. We can also take one of the existing courses off the shelf and modify it to focus on your team's needs. Either way, private group training offers a very efficient and focused approach to learning. Get your team on the same page!
Let us know your needs, and we can prepare a training scope and estimate. Private training courses can be delivered virtually or in person.